PayPal API Integration
The article will be helping you to integrate PayPal API integrate.
This article is about sharing your localhost as a link that anyone can access. We will achieve this using Paypal API
As a developer, integrating APIs into your project is imperative. I recently integrated PayPal's payment gateway on a side project and plan on sharing how to do it.
PayPal is well known for online payments. Its credibility and developer experience have convinced many users to use it. The basic API integration can be done in two different ways. The first one is client-side. And the second one is server-side integration.
Implementing on the Client Side
If I talk about the reading resources:
A developer won't need anything further than visiting this page. I really don't think you need anything else. Documentation
Reasons to consider this resource-
- The workflow is very well explained.
- The code sample is available
- Steps to test out provided.
Talking about the video resources: Here
- This is a pretty short and concise video.
- It is from the official channel of Paypal.
- This video very well explains the concept of different ways to integrate on any website.
- Covers all the cases and is easy to follow up.
There is one more resource, that developers can follow up. I am not promoting their channel in any manner but I liked their flow and ease to follow.
Implementing on the Backend Server
I will not be getting into the benefits of applying on Client or Backend. That is up to the developer's choice of preference. If I had to recommend one, then I would have to say an easy way to implement would b the first one.
Getting on to the resource, this video takes care of most of the integration: Here
API integration I would say. I used this node module paypal-checkout
- Installing it was very easy.
- The npm page was also very helpful and informative.
- This resource has Video tutorials.
- Demo app space and much more cool stuff.
Reviews of API Integration:
This was all enough for integration I think. Moving ahead, I will be sharing my reviews of my experience. Learning was also easy as I expected, the official support and documentation were very helpful. But the PayPal's youtube channel is also of great help. I got many good articles around it too. Many fun blogs on the dashboard as well.
Thanks for reading my article 😊